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High Quality Softwood Woodchips Ready For Export From The Port Of Geelong

Softwood Plantation Exporters (SPE) produces the highest quality softwood woodchips. 

Chip exported through SPE is predominantly Pinus Radiata with current volume consisting of 50% from sawmill residue and 50% produced from forest thinning.

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Chip Specification

See below the typical chip specification which can be adjusted to suit customer requirements.
Oversize: > 28.5 mm; <5% 

Between A: 9.5 mm & 28.5 mm; > 85% 

Between B: 3.2 mm & 9.5 mm; < 9% 

Fines: < 3.2 mm; < 2% Bark/Rot: < 1%

Woodchips are delivered on a green (moisture included) basis and shipped as Green Metric Tonne (GMT).

One green metric tonne (GMT) of wood is 1000kg woodchip.

Woodchips are sold on a "Bone Dry Metric Tonne" (BDMT) or moisture excluded basis.

Average Dry fibre content of Pinus Radiata is 46-48%

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    Chips are sold on a bone-dry metric tonne (BDMT) basis. Water content of the chip has no impact on price. The end user is paying for usable dry fibre.

    Seasonal Cycle - Dry Fibre range variation each year between 45.0% and 52.0% dependent on seasonal conditions and fibre source. Typical green to dry conversion is 1 x green metric tonne = 0.47 BDMT

    Advantages to end users of chip supply compared to round log include -

    • Delivery of direct chip shipments without the need for further processing from logs is a considerable cost saving:
    • With appropriate chip handling and transport, delivered costs of chip are more competitive than log:
    • No conversion loss of log to chip to the end user:
    • Woodchips transport is less expensive than log transport as woodchip is easier to load and unload:
    • Woodchip quality and specifications can be more readily controlled for buyer's requirements which assists in even quality paper production.

    SPE (Management) have a Policy Statement the outlines its commitment to complying with Core Labour Requirements, based on the ILO Core Labour Conventions. If you would like to see a copy, please email info@spemanagement.com.au


The Chipmill comprises of a 125 ft. radial crane & drum debarker with associated screening, rechipping and conveying systems. Maximum chip mill capacity is 450,000 - 500,000 green metric tonnes (GMT) pa. 

Chip produced is high quality. Shipments are guaranteed to meet customers’ exacting chip specifications.

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High Pulp Content

Low bark content assists in achieving high pulp yield with little waste or pulp discolouration. 

The low bark content reduces the ash output when used as feedstock for Bioenergy. Pinus Radiata chip used in bleached and un-bleached Kraft pulp lines provides high burst and tear strength. High pulp brightness is also a characteristic. 

Overall, the high proportion of sawmill chip combined with average chip age provides for good pulp characteristics and yield.

Purpose Built Facilities

SPE loads from modern purpose built facilities at Port of Geelong, Victoria. The chipmill is connected by conveyor to undercover chip stockpile. High-speed conveyor connects the stockpile to wharf for shiploading.

Traveling Shiploader

Travelling shiploader with vertical boom allowing hatch changes in 20 minutes while vessel is stationary. Because of this there is reduced chance of vessel loading being interrupted by weather during loading.

Loading Rates

Loading of 14,000 GMT per day are achieved with average loading rates over entire shipments of 750 GMT per hour. This allows for fast turnaround and considerable savings on travel time and voyage cost.

To Place You Chip Orders, Call Us On  03 5272 2966

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